Learn Digital Marketing
We can either Teach You Digital Marketing and SEO…
OR You can Hire Us to do Digital Marketing for You!
What is Digital Marketing for Small Businesses?
Digital marketing is basically another term for using the internet to market your products and services online. You might be used to traditional marketing like TV, Print, Billboard and Radio, but digital marketing has now surpassed traditional marketing in regards to overall money and resources. — and it’s only been around less than 20 years!
Digital Marketing for Your Business!
Back in 2012 I started teaching myself digital marketing for my first business. I started with graphic design and social media, mostly with Facebook and Twitter. This was before the rise of amazing smartphones and incredible websites. Since then most of what I learned was through trial and error teaching myself and some of what I learned working for Google.
Now of course not everyone has unlimited time or money to learn. Going back to school takes too much time and money, and learning online has a lot of unknowns from watching random YouTube videos and reading blogs.
I’d suggest either working with a friend or mentor to learn about digital marketing. If you have minimal experience then you need someone to hold your hand and guide you through starting and growing your business online. Many tools and software have made it easier, but you could easily focus on the wrong strategies and solutions that could end up costing you more time and money.
That’s why I’ve come up with two marketing solutions:
Hire Momentum Digital to do all your digital marketing.
Hire me by taking my online Masterclass on SEO.
Why is Digital Marketing Important?
How do most people measure the success of a business? Profits right? How do you increase profits? Well, through increasing revenues and lowering expenses. So, my goal would be showing you how to increase revenues by getting more customers.
If you’re reading this then I’m sure you either have a computer or cell phone. Most of the world has access to the internet, and guess what, very few people are still reading the newspaper or watching TV. Marketing and advertising are all about getting customer attention and turning that attention into desired action to become a new customer. So if customer attention is now on a new medium, such a social media or Google search, then why would we not focus on getting their attention from those platforms.
This is what I consider digital marketing, putting the right message in front of the right person, at the right time — AND on the right medium (digital devices).
So ask yourself … ‘Do my customers have smartphones and computers? Are my customers using the internet and social media?’ The answer is yes. So let’s figure out who your target customers are and how we can get their attention.
Digital Media by the Numbers!
According to Pew Research, over 80% of the US Population owns and uses a smartphone. So unless you’re targeting dentures to 80+ year olds via TV commercials, then I’d suffice to say that you should be targeting your demographic online — using digital marketing.
So let’s talk numbers and statistics …. (according to Wordstream).
There are 3.5 billion Google searches made every day
The volume of Google searches grows by roughly 10% every year
60% of Google searches are done on mobile devices. 5 years ago it was 34%
50% of “near me” Google searches done via mobile result in a store visit
Facebook has the most active users with 2.4 Billion
Facebook owns 4 of the top 5 social platforms
Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, & Instagram
Users spend an average of 3 hours per day on social networks and messaging
“Whoop-di-doo ... so what does it all mean basil?”
This should tell you one thing —— this whole ‘digital’ thing isn’t going away. It’s really just beginning. Therefore, if you’re not online and you’re business doesn’t focus on digital marketing, then it’s a matter of time before your competitors beat you!
So how can I help?
The first thing you need to do is believe in yourself.
The second thing you need to do is get educated.
I don’t care if you learn from me or if you learn on your end, but if you DON’T learn more about digital marketing and how to get more customers from the internet, then most of you want be in business much longer.
I’ve been doing digital marketing for over a decade now. I started with social media, but now I focus on all aspects of digital, especially anything related to Google. Having worked at Google, I now also have the experience and credibility of working with thousands of different types of customers on both Google Ads and SEO.
My specialty is getting small local businesses to rank at the top of Google local search for very geo specific product and service related searches. If you have a local business then I’d strongly recommend taking one of my online SEO courses.
5 years ago I was fired from Google and started my own marketing agency, Momentum Digital. We’ve helped over 100 small businesses around the country with their digital needs and growing online. If you would rather hire us as an agency to do the work for you then it will cost more, but take less of your time. If you want to learn on your own from me while saving money but spending more time, then I’d suggest taking the online course instead.
As a small business owner or entrepreneur, you’ll constantly be tested and distracted while wearing 17 different hats. You should focus on getting the resources you need to grow while worrying about what you do best.
Starting and running a small business is so time consuming, difficult, and emotionally draining. You need to partner with someone with experience and who you can trust to help drive more traffic and customers to increase revenue.